Sunday, March 13, 2011

Swollen Ankles And Hives

Il suicidio classico (di Mario Vegetti)

The number 377, "The mole on Thursday," insert special feature for many weeks that accompanied the "manifesto" in the last millennium, was released December 20, 1990, when he approached the Congress with which the PCI would have committed suicide. Titled hand on himself and is dedicated to his suicide. It stands out among the texts that make this clarification on suicide and on his philosophy in classical antiquity Mario Vegetti. (SLL)
The road to freedom oligarchic
Suicide has never been a virtue Greek. Commit suicide two or three tragic heroes, when they can not handle the disaster that hit them, or when it comes to saving the city. But the tragedy is mostly women commit suicide, hanging himself, from Antigone to Phaedra, to Jocasta, when they lost reputation, or with the sword, as Deianira or Eurydice, when they lost her husband and son (by others, as Clytemnestra and Helen, for the same reasons it is expected unsuccessfully to commit suicide, but these women unfaithful to their gender role).
commit suicide even philosophers, usually of weariness of life, but their favorite mode of suicide, which according to Diogenes Laertius, is that starvation, exuding sospetto. Mai del tutto liberatisi del ricordo dei loro predecessori sciamani, non tenteranno costoro, sospendendo l’alimentazione o la respirazione, di rendersi immortali, di tentare la via di un’esistenza extracorporea?
Ma per un uomo – tanto per un eroe che per un cittadino - la via del suicidio. La “bella morte” (se non si attende la fine naturale) è quella sul campo di battaglia, al servizio della comunità – i compagni, la stirpe, la città – che si trasforma, attraverso le memoria e la fama, in una sorta di immortalità collettiva (e dunque diversa da quella individuale cui pensano i filosofi).

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's probably why Plato considers suicide a horrible crime. It breaks the triple bond structure of the subject: himself, first, then with the social community to which it belongs and which has its own service, and finally with destiny, be it a product of divine will or a law that governs the world. "Those who kill the person most familiar of all, as they say, the most expensive, which must be fate. I mean the suicide, the person who deprives himself by violence of fate determined by his fate with him, you kill without him the justice of the city has imposed only one who ... cowardice or laziness of the cowardly imposes an unfair sentence. " He will be buried in "border areas uncultivated and unnamed, and there are no name or stele, indicating his burial" ( Laws, IX, 873, cd ). The social anonymity must therefore mark those who have chosen to remove the constitutive of subjectivity with him and with others.
As master of himself is only those who are free, all this probably has something to do with the Greek idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom. For the Greeks (at least of the classical period), free and slave, who is not immediately intuitive, and who owns it (unlike women, che perciò non sono libere) a una comunità capace di deliberazioni collettive come la polis . Proprio per questo, libertà e padronanza di sé non sono una faccenda individuale ma collettiva; si è “io” solo dentro a un “noi” e sottrarsi a questa comunità è un atto di viltà che assomiglia alla fuga dal campo di battaglia. Questo dev’essere punito, come dice Platone, con la cancellazione da quella memoria collettiva in cui soltanto l’io può assumere una durata permanente.


Per i romani (o almeno per alcuni di loro), il suicidio è stata una virtù. Conta qui un certo mutamento filosofico e morale nella concezione del soggetto, che non è più tale in quanto appartiene immediatamente a un noi, ma che trova le sue ragioni d’identità nell’interiorità della coscienza, in un riconoscimento di sé che non passa più attraverso la comunità, le sue attese e la sua memoria.
Ma questo mutamento si radica e si diffonde nella condizione storica di un preciso strato sociale. Si tratta della tenace, secolare, intransigente resistenza dell’oligarchia senatoria all’assoggettamento del potere imperiale, che molti dei suoi esponenti non possono accettare, benché esso ne tuteli in sostanza gli interessi di class. Ideological myth of this oligarchy is the suicide of Cato, who refuses so to submit to Caesar, and suicide will remain a bit here, for the aristocrats of Rome, a way to continue to assert their social dominance through a gesture that indicates the inner dignity, the moral superiority in the face of a power "vulgar" that seeks to erase the freedom (which was, of course, freedom of power and domination). Against Nero committed suicide as noble as senators Thrasea Peto, convinced to give the people a lesson about how "a man went to his death," or as the same Seneca. Cato had opened with one hand the way out of servitude alla libertà; il suicidio diventa anche per Seneca il modo esemplare che consente di rendersi imprendibile a qualsiasi dominio esterno: “Chiedi quale sia la strada della libertà? Una qualunque vena del tuo corpo”( De ira, 3, 14-15 ) .
Se non si è depositari di un diritto al potere maturato da intere generazioni di avi aristocratici, e sostanziato da immense ricchezze come quelle di Seneca, non credo che la via al suicidio dei senatori stoicheggianti romani sia praticabile senza il sospetto del ridicolo.


Una volta che has lost its meaning and value of belonging to a community, able to set up the same subject and its permanence, are perhaps more relevant suggestions from a former slave as a philosopher Epictetus. He thought of suicide as the moment of a representation addressed to someone, like choosing the right time to bow out just good actors, or better yet, as the gesture of the child who says "I do not want to play anymore, and if leaves (1,22.4). In all this, nothing original and sublime: Of course the sensible exercise of a right by those who are alone, like an actor or a child of those who no longer need to feel belonging to the political community and moral man as Plato, or a class with the historical vocation to power, as the senatorial aristocracy, nor any aun design of destiny.


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