Monday, March 14, 2011

Ny Stateid Card Template

Il Giappone insegni! Via il nucleare. Senza aspettare il referendum.

Japan. The Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant
on nuclear reflection short, "political politician."
The terrible events that shake Japan and risks that arise from the presence in the area of \u200b\u200bnuclear power plants, able to multiply the catastrophic effects of space and extend a long period, can not but have an impact on Italian politics, where business and irresponsible government which has strongly focused on nuclear power. However even the most modern and safe, and in a country with high seismicity and frequent.
Cicchitto We have heard in recent days and a few others declare that the Italian nuclear program continues, "regardless", but there is no doubt that among berlusconidi more cynical and numb to the tragedies of the world there is a danger, maybe not for the environment or public safety, but for the government and the system of power and business he has built. The more astute among them know that in the referendum on 12 June, the nuclear issue can have a knock-on effect on the other two and to reach quorum and success, and know that everything can have a dramatic effect for the government.
could no longer the diversions designed to create confusion, including opinions, not innocent, "left" as Chicco Testa or scientists as the Cancer Veronesi.
I think the tactics have been studied. For a while, 'take the point, how can silencing the question, then, a campagna referendaria iniziata, forse vicina al termine, con un atto plateale il Cavaliere comunicherà la rinuncia (provvisoria) al programma nucleare in attesa di approfondimenti, segno della profonda sollecitudine del “capo” per le ansie e le angosce del “suo” popolo. Tanto dovrebbe bastare a depotenziare gli altri due referendum e a trasformare ancora una volta la sconfitta in vittoria, il “criminale” in “eroe”: ci verrebbe mostrato un leader che è ugualmente preoccupato delle esigenze dello sviluppo e dell’ambiente, capace di recedere da decisioni già assunte in sintonia col sentire della “gente”.
Intanto, nei due mesi che restano, the Government will proceed with the policy-bridge, the same follows for the Strait of Messina bridge. Berlusconi all'affarismo not matter today if the bridge will or will not be the immediate matter distribute to friends and cronies contracts for design, evaluations, excavations, etc., to be the beneficiaries of the (little) money available subtracting other commitments.
is also true for nuclear. You will see that in the coming days the Romans and the other "decision makers" by assigning tasks to all and sundry to contractors, engineering companies and so on: all assignable. Act with the timeliness of emergency because the emergency is: once entrusted to the custodial contracts friends, whether or not the core of the program will have a share of the spoils.
This dirty game is exposed for time now. Committees that need sponsors, associations, all the basic reality, the left of the Internet, the press, the political opposition (from the reasonable to the PD Vendola Di Pietro), demanding the withdrawal of the nuclear program. I ask today, not tomorrow. And they do so in sensational form, using all possible means, from the square, to the network, representative institutions. For example assemblies everywhere. And then another big event in the streets. A solemn parliamentary motion. Documents da far votare in ogni Consiglio regionale, provinciale e comunale, a significare la condanna di massa all’irresponsabilità ladronesca dei governativi. Con una parola d’ordine chiara: il nucleare è incompatibile con un paese ad alto rischio sismico come l’Italia.
Si chieda il ritiro del programma delle centrali. Oggi. E non domani. Se il governo resisterà, avrà più forza la campagna referendaria per il sì. Se Berlusconi cederà, la vittoria sul nucleare sarà il migliore viatico agli altri referendum, per l’acqua pubblica e la legge uguale per tutti.   


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