Saturday, March 12, 2011

Build A Fireplace Surround

Ratzinger, il protettore

No freedom of choice in motherhood.
Only the Pope and his priests know
what is the "true good woman"

Less than a years ago Comments su questo blog il ritorno in Italia dell’aborto clandestino (vedi ). E’ il frutto bacato della politica antiimmigrati della Lega che spinge molte donne (e molti uomini) alla clandestinità e della infinità di pressioni, difficoltà, ricatti vessazioni cui i potenti dell’integralismo cattolico organizzato sottopongono medici e operatori sanitari per spingerli all’obiezione di coscienza. Ma ai difensori della vita dell’embrione importa assai poco della vita delle donne.
Su questa linea si muove anche il “pastore tedesco” che di abortion spoke at the end of February, during an audience granted to the Pontifical Academy of Life. For the Pope
is "a deception therapeutic abortion.'' Physicians should unmask him: "They can not come to the serious task of defending deceit consciousness of many women who believe in abortion to find the solution to family difficulties, economic, social, or health problems of their child." But "the woman is often convinced, sometimes by the same doctors, that abortion is a choice not only morally permissible, but even a duty to act 'therapeutic' to avoid suffering to the child and his family." Not to be outdone the male partners that "with consciousness sometimes blurred, pregnant women often left alone." But women should not be left alone: \u200b\u200b"It 's the whole of society must be put to defend the right to life of the unborn and the true welfare of women." In the whole discourse circulates the idea that women are not just able to make a free choice on their own, they are still the "minor" at the mercy of the bad doctor, husband or boyfriend, or anyone else arrogant and that "the true good" that they are unable to distinguish between being "taught" from the outside, from all the companies, with the priest in the head, must defend with tooth and nail the right to life and cut the wings to free choice.


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