Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Organizations To Help People

Il Pd e i referendum di giugno

in PD are concerned about the maturity of the referendum on June 12. On the referendum had decided the classic line of "fish in a barrel": lack of commitment, broad "freedom of conscience" allowed even to most loyal voters, freedom to vote and not vote. The hope, to the other ieri fondata, era che i referendum non facessero il quorum . Ora non è più così. La catastrofe giapponese ha messo sotto gli occhi di tutti i rischi terrificanti delle presenza di centrali, specie in regioni a grande rischio sismico com’è l’Italia. E dopo questo evento che resterà all’attenzione per mesi il quorum sul referendum nucleare è assicurato e, come si sa, un referendum tira l’altro. Sono diventate perciò involontarie macchiette i Chicchi Testa e gli Umberti Veronesi. Dovevano presentarsi in tv a fare confusione, spingendo il comune cittadino a chiedersi “chissà chi ha ragione” e a disertare le urne; e invece risultano assolutamente fuori tempo e fuori luogo, con the anachronism and the disorientation typical of some surreal comedy.
disoriented But they are also the leaders of the Democratic Party charged that the contortions and uncertainties about the contents of a party that is almost never able to choose a position widely shared. So we have a party on the repeal of "legal impediment" was contrary to law, but did not, or only a marginal part in the collection of signatures. The base of the Democratic Party, however, is largely favorable public water, as a common good, but its management employees, especially in local government, has no intention of denying to employers and hence expected profits friends writhe in Byzantine distinctions between sources and the networks, ownership and management. On the Democratic Party voted against nuclear power in parliament, but, as they say, without making an "ideological", declaring that the facts available to deal with nuclear, particularly those of the UDC, which until yesterday was another very decided in defense of the return to the atom.
referendum on nuclear power, however, is not easy for the party of Bersani, D'Alema, Fioroni, Veltroni take a defeatist attitude, "low profile" - as they say. They are forced to engage with the facts. And the water will give a unique index, and loud. Are into their sockets. And the Knight would be happy if the attempted coup, snatching the referendum as a sneaky roll with that, for some time by blocking the construction of power plants, avoid the popular response. The Cav has a problem doing this, because there is so much around the nuclear Affairs bunga bunga ", but he also knows that threatens the survival and so I think this sneaky and will arrive in Parliament more than a little help from the Democratic Party.


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