Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Landing Strip Wax And Gallery

Notte infame detta dei cristalli (di Guido Ambrosino)

November 9, 1938, Germany.
pogroms directed by Goebbels.
Nella notte tra il 9 e il 10 novembre del 1938 bruciarono le sinagoghe tedesche. Fu un   pogrom con uccisioni, violenze, saccheggi, secondo la regia di Goebbels. Servì da pretesto la morte di un diplomatico tedesco, ucciso da un giovane ebreo a Parigi.
Un centinaio di morti, forse di più se si tiene conto dei feriti deceduti in seguito e delle decine di suicidi. Le sinagoghe incendiate o devastate furono 267, 7500 i negozi distrutti, centinaia i saccheggi e le violenze nelle abitazioni, 30 mila gli ebrei arrestati nei giorni seguenti e internati (la maggior parte fu rilasciata dopo qualche settimana, molti non tornarono).
No one knows who invented the name "Kristallnacht" ( Reichskristallnacht ) for the pogrom of 9 to 10 November 1938. The allusion to the broken windows allowed not to mention the massacre. No wonder that this removal terminology liked the Nazis. E ', however, surprising that the language of the winners of that time has remained rooted in our heads, after fifty years.
Why so much attention to the glass? At a meeting of leaders of November 12 Goering raged on this very point: two hundred more dead Jews - he said - that senseless economic devastation. Germany, continued the sergeant - responsible four-year economic plan for reset - needed foreign exchange (foreign currencies valuable , ed ). The glass for the windows was produced exclusively in Belgium, and the heroes of "Kristallnacht" in a few hours had destroyed six months of production in Belgian factories.
Goering's outburst produced its effects: After you squeezed every penny from systematically exterminate Jews before. The most recent studies of "oral history" have confirmed that the "broken windows" in November 1938 did not like the "silent majority" of viewers.
I learned Nazi the lesson and gave up other squads that raids in style: the Holocaust happen in the years following, according to law and order, no shards on the sidewalk.

E 'this is the beginning of a documented and well-written evocation of the "Kristallnacht" that Guido Ambrosino wrote for the "manifesto" of November 9, 1988, at age 50 event. The report of the event that follows this piece of framework is built with speed and communication and I think a good example of historiographical disclosure, even if you do not know if it ever passed in volume (S.L.L.)


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