Thursday, February 10, 2011

Polop On Roof Of Mouth


Questa foto, tratta dal web, rappresenta le buonissime frittelle di riso. E dato che siamo nel periodo di Carnevale, stasera vi do una delle ricette che ho trovato su un libro che parla della cucina Lombarda. I also have the recipe for my mom, but I'm a little jealous ... so I decided to write this book. Will certainly be great! I also try to make them. But to make the comparison I'll do that too I will sacrifice my mom ....................... ............ . :-P hahaha .....

400 g of rice
2 liters of milk
180 g of flour
100 g butter 200 g sugar

10 whole eggs 3 egg yolks
grated rind of 2 lemons 3 cups

Boil the milk in a saucepan. Add the rice, 60 g sugar, butter, a pinch of salt and lemon rind. Mix well and cook. Once the rice is ready to turn off the mixture and pour into a heatproof bowl to combine the flour to the mixture, rum and eggs. Mix well and let stand. Meanwhile, pour the oil in a pan for frying and smoking just pour a mixture of the pancakes. Stir several times until the fritters are golden brown. When ready, drain them and dry on paper towels. Serve sprinkled with lots of sugar after they (the remaining that you weighting). That's it! It 's harder said than done. Hello to all! Thanks to all who follow me and I always leave nice comments in my post. You are sweet! Kiki


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