Sunday, November 16, 2008

What's A Tape Up Haircut

Holy Week in Caltanissetta: la Real Maestranza in Caltanissetta

procession Palm Sunday follows that of the Real Maestranza, the Mercoledi'Santo morning.
The Holy Wednesday, as if by magic, it seems that time has stopped more than 500 years ago, the city is perhaps one of the most extraordinary days of the year is the day of the workers and the Captain. With this procession come in very exceptional live the events of Holy Week, which gets each year to carry the entire city in a different time, in which the guilds were the center of city life. The event, which the world has not the same, involving the oldest professions in the city, in fact, the name "Maestranza" is derived from the "Masters" or master craftsmen who are part, while the title of "Royal" he was awarded in 1806 by King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon, who gave her this title because, during his visit, restò impressionato dalla bellezza della processione.Anticamente la Real Maestranza era una milizia; quando fu abolita, rimase comunque in vita, sotto forma di organizzazione religiosa e il Mercoledì Santo, questo particolare "esercito" accompagna il SS sacramento in solenne processione per le vie della città. Il personaggio principale di questo e di altri giorni, è il Capitano: un uomo che ha alle spalle diversi anni di lavoro e di sacrifici, e che, in quest'occasione, diventa il rappresentante del popolo; attorno a lui ruotano tutte le manifestazioni della Settimana Santa.Ogni anno, con parecchi mesi di anticipo rispetto alla Pasqua, il Capitano viene eletto dalle varie categorie artigiane; nello stesso modo si eleggono lo Scudiero, l'Alfiere Maggiore, the Flag and Alabardieri.Un long and imposing procession, made by the artisans of the city gathered in 10 corporations, parade in two wings in the hands of big candles. The procession consists of two main routes: the first marked in black, in an atmosphere of great sadness to the people of the Real Maestranza announces the death of Jesus, but soon after, in the cathedral, the black is replaced by white, and Real Maestranza, refreshed and full of happiness, comes from the cathedral, accompanying the Blessed Sacrament, to announce the city's liberation from the penalty of sin.


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