Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yellowish Discharge In My Underwear

Sformato di carote

Good evening girls, some days that are absent or I connect, I get a peek at your blog and then turn off. This week I've been busy helping my parents clean up the old house of my grandfather paternoperchè is close to the sale and must be restored to ... and I know it is not over yet ... week third round next! Therefore, to gain some energy, I would try to make this pie carrots, new recipe for me, so not tested yet! I leave hoping for a good recipe riuscita.Buonanotte, Kiki.


floury potatoes 4 medium carrots
100 g of butter

flour 3 eggs 2 tablespoons
grated Parmesan cheese
salt, pepper, bread crumbs.

Boil potatoes and carrots without peeling them in water just slightly salata.Sbucciarle cottee passaverdure.Mettere pass them in the mixture into a bowl, add one tablespoon of flour (or more if the mixture is too soft), 80 g. previously melted butter, salt, pepper, beaten eggs separately and a pinch of nutmeg. Butter a mold and sprinkle with pangrattato.Riempire with the mixture, leaving space on the surface for a curl of butter. Bake at 170 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve warm if possible. To me it seems inviting. For sure I will! Hello ragazzuole, Kiki.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Much Does A Pair Of Coveralls Cost?

Scattered images

I can not write regularly in my poor blogghettino left to itself.
At the same time, I'd love to do it and I'd like to display photographs of ricamini (few) who have managed to finish and those (many more to be honest) and my friends prepared for me.

So, I decided that this will be a deliberately chaotic post: I picked up a bit 'of photos that I had scattered, and which relate to things made or received in recent months and, I believe, never published.

And let's get back on track!

And here, therefore, "my" toad for RR princesses I'm doing with Elisa, Ferida, Flavia and Laura. We are already at the second stage (scaduta!) but I'm back with plenty of canvas Ferida: basically I have not started but have faith and I come!

This however is a Gift for a future mother (Francesca cuoreditela) instead of the usual cover this baby with the usual soggettini ricamina molto fantasiosa ci ha chiesto di ricamare qualcosa a nostra scelta su tela a nostra scelta... lei poi assemblerà il tutto in una originalissima copertina.
Per questa occasione, mi è tornata in mente un'immagine di tanti anni fa: una delle prime tutine della mia sorellina su cui era riportato questo rebus (perché avevate capito tutte vero che si trattava di un rebus, vero???).
La mammina ha apprezzato e io ne sono molto contenta e non vedo l'ora di vedere la coperta assemblata.

Non è un caso se alcune mie amiche mi hanno soprannominata "girandolona": qualche sabato fa, infatti, complice una lezione di tintura della tela con il caffè, organizzata presso il negozio mani di donna a Roma, insieme a Barbara abbiamo raggiunto Ferida per una giornata in piacevole compagnia... praticamente una vacanza studio!!
Ed ecco il risultato del nostro "duro" lavoro: un carinissimo portaaghi ricamato, cucito e tinto nel caffè (il trovaforbici che gli fa compagnia non è opera mia ma mi sembrava stesse molto bene insieme hihihi)

Eccoci quindi ad uno dei numerosi regali di compleanno con cui le mie amiche mi hanno coccolata quest'anno: questo simpatico gattino è opera di Vania (come potrete notare, nessuno conosce la mia predilezione the orange hihihi).
The combination of colors you choose (and not just the orange, as you can see, is perfectly matched to the wall where I hung up!) I love it!

I wonder whether the photo below refer to a UFO or a SAL ... say that this is the whole of the two. The SAL
Vautier's so excited that I started last year is was stalled in front of thousands of commitments with which I like so much flooded. Now, along with elves, we've recovered and we try to carry it forward! So
this turn of phrase to say that I have almost finished the second leg!
forecast to see it finished?? at least 2020!

conclude the roundup with this ricamino that I assembled on the lid of a box and used as a reward for the fisheries of the meeting of creative Tuscan December. The scheme was a free
Niky's creations dedicated to those, as I did, that participated in the contest for his Christmas.
Basically, as we say here, I took two birds with one stone hihihi!
the box, my poor wretch, has been allotted to the Mistress of boxes, ovvero Manuela...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bloated After Eating Jelly

Grazie 100%LOVE !

The gentle Ilenia of 100% LOVE blog has awarded me and 4 other blog Award "blog more loving," as the logo of the award itself (invented in an Italian at this moment from me ).... Of course I was happy and disbelief among many who have chosen me ... possible? Maybe because I am convinced that the things that I have never much, especially after seeing your creations. And 100% LOVE, apart from the name of the blog that says it all and it's beautiful, really beautiful stuff offers! Why not go to spy then? Now I will list 5 blogs to the regulations. Ilene has the least known, I put those to which they are most fond of and where I found people very special.


How difficult is having to choose between the blogs that I follow ... are estimating that more than 100 ... is an extract only 5! The others do not I wish if I have not included. It will be for another time! Many kisses to all of them, Kiki ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Skype How Do You Delete Blocked

Portachiavi bijoux

care blogghine Good evening. I had some jewelry of various kinds, I advanced, they were rather odd and did not know what to do with it, so I decided to use them to make keychains. Simple, light and easy to find in our bags that are now bigger and bigger! I love the one with the butterfly but I could not say no even to the other two .. what you prefer? Imagine them with the keys applied .. bijoux .. a real useful and chic. Hugs to all, Kiki ♥

insieme di bijoux di vario tipo e materiale

farfalla fucsia

cristallo trasparente e fiore in acciaio smaltato bianco e nero

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Polop On Roof Of Mouth


Questa foto, tratta dal web, rappresenta le buonissime frittelle di riso. E dato che siamo nel periodo di Carnevale, stasera vi do una delle ricette che ho trovato su un libro che parla della cucina Lombarda. I also have the recipe for my mom, but I'm a little jealous ... so I decided to write this book. Will certainly be great! I also try to make them. But to make the comparison I'll do that too I will sacrifice my mom ....................... ............ . :-P hahaha .....

400 g of rice
2 liters of milk
180 g of flour
100 g butter 200 g sugar

10 whole eggs 3 egg yolks
grated rind of 2 lemons 3 cups

Boil the milk in a saucepan. Add the rice, 60 g sugar, butter, a pinch of salt and lemon rind. Mix well and cook. Once the rice is ready to turn off the mixture and pour into a heatproof bowl to combine the flour to the mixture, rum and eggs. Mix well and let stand. Meanwhile, pour the oil in a pan for frying and smoking just pour a mixture of the pancakes. Stir several times until the fritters are golden brown. When ready, drain them and dry on paper towels. Serve sprinkled with lots of sugar after they (the remaining that you weighting). That's it! It 's harder said than done. Hello to all! Thanks to all who follow me and I always leave nice comments in my post. You are sweet! Kiki

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Looking For Pic,sof A Wart On A Horse

♥Lavagnette country♥

Hello to all dear friends, tonight will post photos of some slates country that I did long ago with the photo frames, network for chickens and other small attentions such as clips, magnets, ribbons and small decorations various tipo.Non are hard to do, but quite long to achieve. But with the good will I am sure that if you try, you definitely will come out well! So ... good job! Kisses, Kiki.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Brown Sofa What Color Floors

I primi due ricami del 2011 sono stati destinati alla ... parete del mio salotto!!
Per questo ho utilizzato e, spero, valorizzato 2 cornici che mi erano state regalate, che mi piacevano molto e che mi dispiaceva utilizzare "solo" come portafoto.

Ed ecco dunque la cornice che Anna  mi ha regalato per Natale

Da il mio punto croce

e quella che Angela  mi ha regalato per il compleanno

Da il mio punto croce

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Do Fire Place Heat Exchangers Work

In 2011 ... Merry Christmas

... non ho ancora scritto un post!

Ma non sono stata disoccupata: ho ricamato abbastanza e, come mio solito, ho messo un sacco di carne al fuoco e sono alle prese con le varie scadenze.

Devo solo riuscire a scaricare e organizzare le foto prima di pubblicarne alcune.

Abbiate fede e lo farò!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pain When Standing 39 Weeks Pregnant


Come dice il titolo del post, per fortuna c'è la mamma! Sì, perchè a me piace molto creare bigiotteria, ma senza di lei non avrei mai potuto fare queste bellissime basi all'uncinetto sulle quali poi io lavoro e le impreziosisco con perline, cristalli e pietrine. Ed so here are photos of a pair of diamond earrings that I really love the colors and even a necklace with two ovals, embellished with sequins and lilac stones varied. These two works have given me much satisfaction, but without my mother .. I could not achieve these results! So ..... luckily there's Mom! What do you think? Do you like? A big kiss, Kiki.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Does A Camel Toe Feel Like?


Why be limited to the usual pesto? No doubt, it is very good, but sometimes it would be nice pasta with a pesto sauce alternative? With ever-changing tastes and odors? So here are two recipes that I found a few years ago in a kiss to all ricettario.Un e. .. good job!

for 4

walnuts 1 / 2 cup of rosemary
2 cloves of garlic
100 g parmesan
a pinch of salt and pepper
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Toast the walnuts in a frying pan for 3 minutes without adding seasonings. Pour nuts and other ingredients in a blender and chop it all until a creamy sauce consistency typical of the classic pesto. Pour into jars and refrigerate.

for 4

2 tablespoons pistachios
1 cup parsley leaves
2 spicchi di aglio
1 pizzico di sale e pepe
2 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva
1/2 bicchiere di brodo di pollo

Tostare in una padella antiaderente i pistacchi per 2 minuti.Una volta pronti, frullare tutti gli ingredienti (tranne il brodo), aggiungere i pistacchi. Frullare bene il tutto e trovare la consistenza giusta con l'aggiunta del brodo di pollo.Conservare in vasetti ermetici in frigorifero.